กริยาช่วย | รูปปฎิเสธ | คำย่อ |
is | is not | isn't |
am | am not | - |
are | are not | aren't |
was | was not | wasn't |
were | were not | weren't |
do | do not | don't |
does | does not | doesn't |
did | did not | didn't |
has | has not | hasn't |
have | have not | haven't |
had | had not | hadn't |
can | can not | can't |
could | could not | couldn't |
may | may not | mayn't |
might | might not | mightn't |
will | will not | won't |
would | would not | wouldn't |
shall | shall not | shan't |
should | should not | shouldn't |
must | must not | mustn't |
need | need not | needn't |
dare | dare not | daren't |
ought | ought not | oughtn't |
used to | used not to | usedn't to |
วันศุกร์ที่ 20 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2552
คำกริยาช่วย 24 ตัว
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